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Link to Unofficial Gay Fates

Unofficial Gay Fates

The successor to the original Gay Fates mod headed by Unassuming Venasaur. Despite the name, the mod is a general exapnsion to FE Fates' support conversations, adding several homoromantic, heteromantic, platonic, and parental options to the main cast, though the general aim is mostly for the first category.

I was a writing and coding contributor to the mod. More specifically, I've written Mozu's support conversations with Felicia, Rinkah, and Peri, wrote a major revision to Mozu's support with Setsuna, and coded all of those supports plus Mozu's support conversations with Kagero, Charlotte, Camilla, Elise, Hinoka, and Orochi. My direct tenure ended with the mod's 2.2.2 update, as that was also when leads for the project changed hands, but I am still an active member of the mod's microcommunity.

Fire Emblem Fates Texture Compilation

A mod aiming to expand the number of unique outfit textures among the many class-and-character combinations in FE Fates.

During version 3 of the mod, I was the head of the mod and added several textures, mostly among the female cast.

Link to Fire Emblem Fates Texture Compilation
Link to Awakening Textues+

Awakening Textures+

Intended to be the FE Awakening counterpart to the Fates texture mod, with much the same goal of adding unique outfit textures to the many class-and-character combinations.

I helped launch this mod with the creation of several War Cleric, Sage, Dark Flier, and Myrmidon textures.

Bridget's Habit

A simple sprite replacement for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, which changes the Habit item to one based off the outfit of Bridget from Guilty Gear Strive.

Link to Bridget's Habit
Link to Checkpoint Profile

Checkpoint Commissions

I used to take commissions on the platform Checkpoint for my services in the 3DS FE games, and on there you can see an archive of past completed works.